Results for “Angola

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, November 01, 2005

A twenty-first-century pilgrim ends a year-long journey where the seventeenth-century Pilgrims ended theirs—on the coast of New England, not far from where his travels began.

Second Government (Bernard-Henri Levy)

Tom Teicholz, Jewish Journal, March 28, 2004

“War, Evil and the End of History”, was published in English. Levy traveled to five of the world’s unheralded hot spots: Sri Lanka, Burundi, Colombia, Sudan and Angola. His first-person accounts of “forgotten wars” are chilling.

Stand With Ukraine, My African Friends

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Wall Street Journal, August 01, 2023

Vladimir Putin denounces Western colonialism while bringing back its most atrocious practices.

Why Durban IV must be boycotted

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Jerusalem Post, August 13, 2021

On paper, the Durban Conference was supposed to recommit to the fight against “racism, xenophobia and intolerance,” but in reality it it was the occasion of an inexcusable three-faceted failure.