Results for “Bucha

Ukraine and Israel are in the same fight

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Hill, December 15, 2023

Ukraine and Israel are both victims of aggression. Their aggressors share a strategy — that of intentionally striking civilian targets.

A Masterpiece of Thought and Feeling

Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, December 07, 2023

French intellectual superstar Bernard-Henri Lévy’s affecting new war documentary shows us how ordinary people become heroes.

On war and its dehumanization

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Purple, January 09, 2023

As a philosopher, what is BHL's idea of war? Is war fundamentally human? Is man, in the end, a wolf who hunts man? Or is there still hope of eradicating war?

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, November 01, 2005

A twenty-first-century pilgrim ends a year-long journey where the seventeenth-century Pilgrims ended theirs—on the coast of New England, not far from where his travels began.

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, October 01, 2005

From storm systems in Florida to those in Washington, D.C. Continuation of Bernard-Henri Lévy's road trip through the United States.

Ukraine and the Jews

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, March 14, 2022

Unlike official Russia, Ukraine is an example of mourning and redemption done right.

Put Ukraine on the U.N. Security Council

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2023

Russia’s membership has no legal basis and should be transferred.

Ukraine Belongs in NATO

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2023

Henry Kissinger now says the idea of a neutral Kyiv is ‘no longer meaningful.’

Bernard-Henri Lévy and the Heroes of Ukraine

Cathy Young, The Bulwark, November 02, 2022

The French intellectual’s new film, "Why Ukraine", puts the war in the context of Western history.