Results for “Hitler

On war and its dehumanization

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Purple, January 09, 2023

As a philosopher, what is BHL's idea of war? Is war fundamentally human? Is man, in the end, a wolf who hunts man? Or is there still hope of eradicating war?

Standing at the Twilight of Democracy

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, September 05, 2018

Jeremy Corbyn threatens to lead Britain into a ‘Dark Internationale’ hastening the demise of democracy.

The New Jerusalem Is Crumbling

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, February 21, 2019

From the Pilgrim founders to Donald Trump, ‘a belief in the exceptional role of an American nation’.

Ukraine and the Jews

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, March 14, 2022

Unlike official Russia, Ukraine is an example of mourning and redemption done right.

Keeping The Focus On Ukraine

Tom Teicholz, Forbes, May 02, 2023

Bernard-Henri Levy's new documentary on the war in Ukraine, 'Slava Ukraini', a powerful instrument to remind us about the importance of this war, and the importance of caring about its outcome.

It’s Time to Take Bernard-Henri Lévy Seriously

Blake Smith, Foreign Policy, April 09, 2021

A close reading of the philosophical career, and influence, of France’s most ridiculed public intellectual.

‘If Brexit happens, Europe will collapse. It cannot survive’

Lloyd Evans, The Spectator, May 26, 2018

Bernard-Henri Lévy will present 'Last Exit Before Brexit', an anti-Brexit, pro-European play, which will have its world premiere at Cadogan Hall in London.

Bernard-Henri Lévy’s Brexit lament

Bryan Appleyard, The Times, May 20, 2018

France’s pre-eminent thinker, Bernard-Henri Lévy, says Britain is both the brain and beating heart of Europe; quitting would be such a catastrophe for all, he has written a play to persuade us to stop.

The Man Who Said Ukraine Would Win

Tunku Varadarajan, The Wall Street Journal, October 14, 2022

“The real reason Putin has not succeeded” says Bernard-Henri Lévy, is that his opponents “know why they fight”.

Beware of Ukraine Fatigue

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, July 12, 2022

The fate of the West increasingly depends on our own fickle, fleeting attention.