Results for “Husserl

On war and its dehumanization

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Purple, January 09, 2023

As a philosopher, what is BHL's idea of war? Is war fundamentally human? Is man, in the end, a wolf who hunts man? Or is there still hope of eradicating war?

Wi-Fi on Planes? A ‘Disaster,’ Says Bernard-Henri Lévy

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), The New York Times, March 23, 2019

For a new one-man show, the French philosopher is traveling to 22 European cities this year. All he needs are books, white shirts and his current manuscript. No internet, please.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: How bad is it for the Jews of France?

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Jewish Journal, February 28, 2019

Renowned philosopher, journalist and author Bernard-Henri Levy talks about the rise in anti-Semitism throughout the world, and discusses his new book, “The Empire and the Five Kings: America’s Abdication and the Fate of the World.”

Bernard-Henri Lévy: A Wake-Up Call for European Patriots

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), February 26, 2019

French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy sat down with Senior Communications Officer Martin Caudron for a conversation on his new book, the manifesto on the need for European patriotism to preserve the EU which he cosigned with 29 other European writers end of January, and his play "Looking for Europe".

Ukraine’s Revolutionaries Are Not Fascists

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Daily Beast, February 26, 2014

Putin says the events in Kiev signal the return of fascism to Europe, even as he foments anti-Semitic sentiment at home. Why the West must not believe his misinformation campaign.

Long live free Ukraine!

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The HuffPost, December 17, 2013

It is impossible to predict what the situation in Ukraine will be by the time these lines appear. Already certain, however, is that the events of the past month are extraordinary in every respect.