Results for “World Trade Center

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, May 01, 2005

How does America look to foreign eyes? This year marks the bicentennial of the birth of Alexis de Tocqueville, our keenest interpreter. We asked another Frenchman to travel deep into America and report on what he found.

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, November 01, 2005

A twenty-first-century pilgrim ends a year-long journey where the seventeenth-century Pilgrims ended theirs—on the coast of New England, not far from where his travels began.

The New Jerusalem Is Crumbling

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, February 21, 2019

From the Pilgrim founders to Donald Trump, ‘a belief in the exceptional role of an American nation’.

It’s Time to Take Bernard-Henri Lévy Seriously

Blake Smith, Foreign Policy, April 09, 2021

A close reading of the philosophical career, and influence, of France’s most ridiculed public intellectual.

What’s at stake in Ukraine

Brian Stewart, City Journal, December 08, 2022

A new documentary, "Why Ukraine" directed by Bernard-Henri Lévy, shows why Russia is losing the war.

Letter from Ukraine: A prayer for Odessa

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The New Statesman, March 26, 2022

As the Russian squadron blockading the city lies in anchor, Odessites reveal the depths of their courage as they prepare to defend their home.

A Marshall Plan for Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The HuffPost, May 03, 2015

If, in 200 days, your suggestions and proposals are persuasive enough to convince the world to invest massively in the birth of the new Ukraine, you will have helped to make Ukraine another Poland or another Czech Republic. You will have heeded the call of your brothers and sisters and opened to them the doors of Europe.

The Virus and My Friend Bernard

David Samuels, Tablet, September 30, 2020

Q&A with Bernard-Henri Lévy.