French showman-philosopher begs London audience to save the European project.
But is Bernard-Henri Lévy at odds with a France that sees opportunity in the UK’s departure?
France’s pre-eminent thinker, Bernard-Henri Lévy, says Britain is both the brain and beating heart of Europe; quitting would be such a catastrophe for all, he has written a play to persuade us to stop.
The French intellectual’s new film, "Why Ukraine", puts the war in the context of Western history.
The smart set turned up at the world body for the latest from the self-appointed diplomat with no title but a penchant for the headlines and the frontlines.
Ukraine will win this war, Lévy tell us, because its soldiers and citizens “know why they fight.” In Why Ukraine Lévy makes the case why we all need to fight for them.
On the global stage, he may just rise from the rank of a ‘caretaker’ president to one of the greats.
Bernard-Henri Lévy’s new documentary gives an unflinching look at the brutality of Russia’s war on Ukraine.
For BHL, the use of Iranian weaponry by Russian forces graphically underlines what he regards as Ukraine and Israel’s shared predicament.
“The real reason Putin has not succeeded” says Bernard-Henri Lévy, is that his opponents “know why they fight”.
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