In 1981 Grasset publishes L’Idéologie Française, Lévy’s denunciation of “fascism in the colors of France.” The author quickly becomes the center...
On 10 January 2021, JDD announced that BHL was completing a new documentary film based on the Paris Match series. The film,...
President Chirac, Gen. Petraeus, and my 2002 report on Afghanistan.
Trump dreamed of it. But it’s coming true with Biden.
Ahmad Massoud leads the resistance in the province of Panjshir. Can he and his fighters hold out?
On recent trip to Israel, French-Jewish intellectual promoted his new book on Judaism and explained what it’s like to be a modern-day Jonah.
"Arab Winter" is a stupid slogan and the West needs to get over its China fixation, says France's most prominent intellectual.
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