Results for “Syrian Kurdistan

Who Betrayed the Kurdish People?

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 22, 2017

Two years after the Kurds fought against the Islamic State, America turned its back as they sought independence.

Bernard-Henri Lévy’s Journey From Barricades to War Zones

Janine di Giovanni, Foreign Policy, November 13, 2021

In “The Will to See,” France’s great proponent of humanitarian interventionism chronicles the world’s forgotten wars.

Bernard-Henri Lévy Premieres ‘Battle of Mosul’ Documentary in Iraq

Vladislav Davidzon, Tablet, March 09, 2021

In Erbil, Kurdish officials and high-ranking Peshmerga took in BHL’s latest doc about the fight for a city that rages on


Bernard-Henri Lévy, known most widely as a philosopher and nonfiction writer, is also a novelist, filmmaker, and playwright. He is...