Results for “Islamic State

The West Goes Home

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, August 03, 2021

President Chirac, Gen. Petraeus, and my 2002 report on Afghanistan.

Intellectual Warrior

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Jewish Journal, September 11, 2024

A Conversation with Bernard-Henri Lévy on antisemitism, leading a life of courage and why he wrote his new book, “Israel Alone.”

Bernard-Henri Lévy: ‘Today’s woke thinking is straight-forward racism’

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), The Telegraph, September 15, 2024

From an undisclosed location, the philosopher talks Israel, racism and the French election.

Israel and the World After October 7 – An Interview with Bernard-Henri Lévy

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, May 18, 2024

Only a few months after the October 7 attacks, Lévy wrote what is arguably his most personal and heartfelt book, “Israel Alone”.

Loneliness of Israel: Bernard-Henri Lévy speaks

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Israel Hayom, May 09, 2024

The steadfast intellectual, who came to Israel right after Oct 7 to witness the atrocities first hand, speaks with Israel Hayom on how the Jewish state can emerge stronger as the world turns its back on it.

Israel Must Respond Forcefully to Iran’s Attack

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, April 19, 2024

Iran’s drones and missiles are not a joke. They are a declaration of war, and must be treated as such.