Westerners who seek only to be left in peace are courting an even more deadly war.
Henry Kissinger now says the idea of a neutral Kyiv is ‘no longer meaningful.’
The one and only passion of this man, who is also a thinker, a distinguished scientist, and, yes, a former member of Parliament, is obviously music.
A new documentary, "Why Ukraine" directed by Bernard-Henri Lévy, shows why Russia is losing the war.
The French intellectual’s new film, "Why Ukraine", puts the war in the context of Western history.
On the global stage, he may just rise from the rank of a ‘caretaker’ president to one of the greats.
For BHL, the use of Iranian weaponry by Russian forces graphically underlines what he regards as Ukraine and Israel’s shared predicament.
“The real reason Putin has not succeeded” says Bernard-Henri Lévy, is that his opponents “know why they fight”.
A tour of frontlines and liberated cities during Zelensky’s great counteroffensive revealed a country ruined, ravaged, and on the brink of victory.
The fate of the West increasingly depends on our own fickle, fleeting attention.
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