Results for “Kurdistan

Bernard-Henri Lévy’s Journey From Barricades to War Zones

Janine di Giovanni, Foreign Policy, November 13, 2021

In “The Will to See,” France’s great proponent of humanitarian interventionism chronicles the world’s forgotten wars.

The View from Here

James Kirchick, Air Mail, October 23, 2021

Bernard-Henri Lévy will never give up on hopeless causes.

The Last Humanist

Nathan Gardels, Noema magazine, October 29, 2021

French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy looks back on his life and times.

The French Intellectual Who Refuses to Look Away

Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic, October 25, 2021

Rich societies were turning inward even before the pandemic, but Bernard-Henri Lévy won’t let them ignore atrocities elsewhere.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: “Defining oneself by an identity is an impoverishment of what you are”

Freddie Hayward, The New Statesman, October 20, 2021

The French intellectual on culture wars and global crises.