Results for “Iran

Bernard-Henri Lévy Premieres ‘Battle of Mosul’ Documentary in Iraq

Vladislav Davidzon, Tablet, March 09, 2021

In Erbil, Kurdish officials and high-ranking Peshmerga took in BHL’s latest doc about the fight for a city that rages on

The West Goes Home

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, August 03, 2021

President Chirac, Gen. Petraeus, and my 2002 report on Afghanistan.

Why Durban IV must be boycotted

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Jerusalem Post, August 13, 2021

On paper, the Durban Conference was supposed to recommit to the fight against “racism, xenophobia and intolerance,” but in reality it it was the occasion of an inexcusable three-faceted failure.

The Afghan Resistance has begun

Bernard-Henri Lévy, UnHerd, August 21, 2021

Trump dreamed of it. But it’s coming true with Biden.