Results for “Front National

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, May 01, 2005

How does America look to foreign eyes? This year marks the bicentennial of the birth of Alexis de Tocqueville, our keenest interpreter. We asked another Frenchman to travel deep into America and report on what he found.

The Virus and My Friend Bernard

David Samuels, Tablet, September 30, 2020

Q&A with Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Bernard-Henri Lévy Premieres ‘Battle of Mosul’ Documentary in Iraq

Vladislav Davidzon, Tablet, March 09, 2021

In Erbil, Kurdish officials and high-ranking Peshmerga took in BHL’s latest doc about the fight for a city that rages on

The Afghan Resistance has begun

Bernard-Henri Lévy, UnHerd, August 21, 2021

Trump dreamed of it. But it’s coming true with Biden.