Results for “Charles De Gaulle

Bernard-Henri Lévy: A Frenchman’s passion for Bangladesh’s Liberation War

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Dhaka Tribune, December 16, 2020

A true revolutionary has to get close, very close, to the things themselves; he has to move into the places where History, with a capital H, really happens.

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, November 01, 2005

A twenty-first-century pilgrim ends a year-long journey where the seventeenth-century Pilgrims ended theirs—on the coast of New England, not far from where his travels began.

Massoud in Paris

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, February 12, 2021

Paris shows gratitude to the Afghan hero who tried to stop the Sept. 11 attacks—and whose warnings about Islamist fanaticism remain urgent today.

The Kurds Are Not Children

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Foreign Policy, September 06, 2017

They have earned their independence, and the West must get out of the way.

Bernard-Henri Lévy and the Heroes of Ukraine

Cathy Young, The Bulwark, November 02, 2022

The French intellectual’s new film, "Why Ukraine", puts the war in the context of Western history.

Ukraine Will Win

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, September 23, 2022

A tour of frontlines and liberated cities during Zelensky’s great counteroffensive revealed a country ruined, ravaged, and on the brink of victory.

Putin’s only strength lies in the west’s weakness

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Daily Beast, March 04, 2014

This is the second time that Bernard-Henri Lévy has spoken in the Maidan. On February 9, before the massacre, speaking at the invitation of the Council of Maidan, he extolled the restraint shown by the protesters.

The Last Humanist

Nathan Gardels, Noema magazine, October 29, 2021

French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy looks back on his life and times.

The Virus and My Friend Bernard

David Samuels, Tablet, September 30, 2020

Q&A with Bernard-Henri Lévy.