Results for “Cinema

Cohen Media Group Takes Ukraine Doc From Bernard-Henri Lévy for U.S.

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Hollywood Reporter, April 04, 2023

The famed French philosopher and activist traveled to the heart of the war zone for 'Slava Ukraini,' his cinematic diary on the Russian invasion and Ukraine's resistance.

Jafar Panahi Dances With Bears and Produces a Masterpiece

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, December 01, 2022

The imprisoned director’s latest film is as powerful for its absences as its images.

Willing ourselves to see

Peter Keough, The Boston Globe, April 28, 2022

Bernard-Henri Lévy's documentary “The Will to See” plunges the viewer into his frenetic globe-hopping to the places the world would prefer to forget.

Everyone can kvetch and kvell at the hybrid in-person/online NY Jewish Film Festival

Jordan Hoffman (interview), The Times of Israel, January 13, 2022

Festival director Aviva Weintraub says even Omicron won't keep the show from going on January 12-25; audiences will be on the edge of their seats - at Lincoln Center or at home.

What Bernard-Henri Lévy sees for the West

David Patrikarakos, The Spectator, November 18, 2021

I have come to ask Lévy about the future of the West — if, that is, he feels there will be one

Seeing Through the Eyes of a Traveling Truth-Teller

Jonathan Kirsch, Jewish Journal, October 28, 2021

As we find out in his new book, “The Will to See: Dispatches From a World of Misery and Hope”, Lévy has put himself in harm’s way in the dangerous and troubled places that he writes about, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine.