Results for “Syria

‘We are all making a huge mistake’

Jenni Frazer, The Jewish Chronicle, August 20, 2020

France's leading intellectual, Bernard-Henri Lévy thinks the world has got it wrong on coronavirus.

Bernard-Henri Lévy bares his Jewish soul

Jonathan Kirsch, Jewish Journal, January 11, 2017

Philosophers only rarely achieve the celebrity of a rock star or a sports hero, but Bernard-Henri Lévy, who has been described as “France’s greatest philosopher,” is an exception.

Nuart Retrospective Presents the War Documentaries of Bernard-Henri Lévy

Gerri Miller, Jewish Journal, January 21, 2021

BHL makes cinema verité documentaries from the front lines of the world’s most dangerous conflict zones, depicting war in all its brutality to highlight the plight of the oppressed.

The Genius of Literature

Paul Berman, Tablet, May 16, 2017

Bernard-Henri Lévy draws from the well of late-18th-century French philosopher Chateaubriand for a broad defense of the aesthetics and morals of liberalism.

The Honor of Israel

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, June 27, 2018

Full text of a speech delivered before the Academic College of Netanya, June 18, 2018, upon receiving an Honoris Causa doctorate.

Standing at the Twilight of Democracy

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, September 05, 2018

Jeremy Corbyn threatens to lead Britain into a ‘Dark Internationale’ hastening the demise of democracy.

The French Left’s Fascist Creep

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 25, 2018

French presidential candidate and far-left leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is transforming before our eyes into a mascot of totalitarianism.

The New Jerusalem Is Crumbling

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, February 21, 2019

From the Pilgrim founders to Donald Trump, ‘a belief in the exceptional role of an American nation’.

A Monstrous Betrayal

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 10, 2019

Caroline Fourest’s ‘Sisters in Arms’ arrives just in time for the Ottoman Anschluss against Syrian Kurdistan.

How to Stop Erdogan

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 09, 2020

Turkey’s authoritarian president poses an active danger to Western interests. He must be contained.