Results for “Ukraine

Who Betrayed the Kurdish People?

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 22, 2017

Two years after the Kurds fought against the Islamic State, America turned its back as they sought independence.

From the Darkest Pages to the Living Light

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, September 30, 2016

Seventy-five years after the massacre at Babi Yar, a moment of reckoning, a lesson in awareness and forgiveness, and a path toward redemption.

In the Heart of Combat

Alessandra Stanley, Air Mail, May 01, 2023

Bernard-Henri Lévy is out with the sequel to 'Why Ukraine?', bringing his viewers to the front lines during a turning point in the war.

‘Slava Ukraini’ Review: Tour of a War-Torn Nation

Ben Kenigsberg, The New York Times, May 04, 2023

The French public intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy travels to different parts of Ukraine in this dispatch-documentary, shot in the second half of 2022.

Free Evan Gershkovich

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, April 11, 2023

By taking an American journalist hostage, Putin’s Russia announces its transformation into a full-blown terrorist state.