Results for “Ukraine

The last person who believe in western intervention

Elliot Ackerman, Time, February 21, 2022

Over the course of four decades Lévy has made a name for himself traversing the globe in an effort to turn the world’s attention to forgotten conflicts, humanitarian crises. He continues with “The Will to See”

It is the world’s duty to do all we can to stop Vladimir Putin

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Telegraph, March 10, 2022

Our future is at stake and the fate of all those in the world who believe in democracy.

Putin’s Crime, Europe’s Cowardice

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The New York Times, July 22, 2014

In eastern Ukraine, Vladimir V. Putin has been playing with fire. He has mobilized the worst elements to be found in the region.

Putin’s only strength lies in the west’s weakness

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Daily Beast, March 04, 2014

This is the second time that Bernard-Henri Lévy has spoken in the Maidan. On February 9, before the massacre, speaking at the invitation of the Council of Maidan, he extolled the restraint shown by the protesters.

Why Putin is a danger to Europe

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Kyiv Post, February 09, 2015

Bernard-Henri Lévy discusses the Ukrainian crisis and the danger that Putin represents for democracy and Europe.

A Plea to My German Friends

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, February 02, 2022

Germany’s collusion with Russia at the expense of Ukraine is a shameful betrayal of its postwar achievements.

Putin Is Waging War on Europe

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Wall Street Journal, January 18, 2022

His officials and media supporters have started talking openly about “military confrontation”.

Everyone can kvetch and kvell at the hybrid in-person/online NY Jewish Film Festival

Jordan Hoffman (interview), The Times of Israel, January 13, 2022

Festival director Aviva Weintraub says even Omicron won't keep the show from going on January 12-25; audiences will be on the edge of their seats - at Lincoln Center or at home.

The Nomad

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Tablet, January 14, 2022

Q&A with Bernard-Henri Lévy about The Will to see.