Results for “Ukraine

Exit gate to freedom

Tunku Varadarajan, Washington Examiner, January 25, 2024

Bernard-Henri Lévy, was receiving the Order of Merit, Ukraine’s equivalent of a knighthood, for his tireless, eloquent, and, above all, courageous advocacy on behalf of the Ukrainians in forums across Europe and the U.S.

Ukrainians will fight Russia no matter what. But this is what they need to win

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Los Angeles Times, December 27, 2023

Are we going to allow civilian deaths to pile up or try to minimize them? Will the United States will it decide to come to the aid of its natural and reliable allies in Ukraine?

The Protests of Fools

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 26, 2023

Demonstrators in the streets of Paris once chanted ‘We are all Jews.’ Today they cheer on Jewish slaughter.

Watch “Glory to the Heroes”

Jeanne Malle, Air Mail, December 05, 2023

In his latest documentary, the French philosopher and filmmaker BHL reminds us that, nearly two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Western support is needed now more than ever.

A Masterpiece of Thought and Feeling

Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, December 07, 2023

French intellectual superstar Bernard-Henri Lévy’s affecting new war documentary shows us how ordinary people become heroes.