About “Documentary

In the Heart of Combat

Alessandra Stanley, Air Mail, May 01, 2023

Bernard-Henri Lévy is out with the sequel to 'Why Ukraine?', bringing his viewers to the front lines during a turning point in the war.

Keeping The Focus On Ukraine

Tom Teicholz, Forbes, May 02, 2023

Bernard-Henri Levy's new documentary on the war in Ukraine, 'Slava Ukraini', a powerful instrument to remind us about the importance of this war, and the importance of caring about its outcome.

A Polarizing French Philosopher Chooses War Zones Over Salons

Dan Bilefsky, The New York Times, February 28, 2023

In a new film, “Slava Ukraini,” the writer and filmmaker Bernard Henri-Lévy warns of a heavy price if the West fails to defeat Putin in Ukraine.

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