About “Putin

Putin’s Crime, Europe’s Cowardice

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The New York Times, July 22, 2014

In eastern Ukraine, Vladimir V. Putin has been playing with fire. He has mobilized the worst elements to be found in the region.

Putin’s only strength lies in the west’s weakness

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Daily Beast, March 04, 2014

This is the second time that Bernard-Henri Lévy has spoken in the Maidan. On February 9, before the massacre, speaking at the invitation of the Council of Maidan, he extolled the restraint shown by the protesters.

With Poroshenko on the Ukraine Campaign Trail

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Daily Beast, May 22, 2014

The huge, hopeful crowds that turn out in eastern Ukraine to hear presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko are turning their backs on Putin’s propaganda of despair.

Bernard-Henri Levy: to friends of free, european and battling Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Kyiv Post, March 30, 2019

The following is a speech delivered on March 28 at Taras Shevchenko National University by Bernard-Henry Levy, the French philosopher, playwright and author.

The Rape of Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, February 22, 2022

Taking Putin’s grievances seriously would be nothing more than a death wish for a return to the terrible 20th century.

Ukraine’s Revolutionaries Are Not Fascists

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Daily Beast, February 26, 2014

Putin says the events in Kiev signal the return of fascism to Europe, even as he foments anti-Semitic sentiment at home. Why the West must not believe his misinformation campaign.

Save the New Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The New York Times, January 27, 2015

Bernard-Henri Lévy and Georges Soros launch an SOS for Ukraine, in this article published in twelve European and American newspapers.

Victor Pinchuk, Mistral Warships, and the Jews of Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The HuffPost, November 26, 2014

On Nov. 18, in Kiev, philanthropist Victor Pinchuk was awarded the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Medal of Honor by the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine for his contributions to Ukrainian-Jewish understanding and cooperation. What follows is a version of my remarks at the ceremony.

Long live free Ukraine!

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The HuffPost, December 17, 2013

It is impossible to predict what the situation in Ukraine will be by the time these lines appear. Already certain, however, is that the events of the past month are extraordinary in every respect.

Ukraine’s Year of Precarious Triumph

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Wall Street Journal, December 30, 2014

Much remains to be done, but the wheel of fortune has turned against Putin.

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