Bernard-Henri Lévy – United Nations : keynote speech at the General Assembly (January 22, 2015)
Bernard-Henri Lévy – Jewish Book Week : The Virus in the Age of Madness (August 3, 2020)
Bernard-Henri Lévy – The Battle of Mosul (Movie Trailer) (2017)
Bernard-Henri Lévy – Charlie Rose : American Vertigo (January 2006)
Bernard-Henri Lévy – FOX News : The Empire and the Five Kings (February 19, 2019)
Bernard-Henri Lévy – CNN GPS, Fareed Zakaria : What has Covid-19 done to humanity? (July 19, 2021)
Past as Prologue: Revisiting Bernard-Henri Lévy’s 2002 Report on Afghanistan (July 26, 2021)
TOLO News : "Past as Prologue: Revisiting Bernard-Henri Lévy’s 2002 Report on Afghanistan" Webinar
Bernard-Henri Lévy – CNN Parker Spitzer : Gun culture (January 2011)
Official social networks