Results for “Pakistan

Second Government (Bernard-Henri Levy)

Tom Teicholz, Jewish Journal, March 28, 2004

“War, Evil and the End of History”, was published in English. Levy traveled to five of the world’s unheralded hot spots: Sri Lanka, Burundi, Colombia, Sudan and Angola. His first-person accounts of “forgotten wars” are chilling.

Bernard-Henri Lévy bares his Jewish soul

Jonathan Kirsch, Jewish Journal, January 11, 2017

Philosophers only rarely achieve the celebrity of a rock star or a sports hero, but Bernard-Henri Lévy, who has been described as “France’s greatest philosopher,” is an exception.

Nuart Retrospective Presents the War Documentaries of Bernard-Henri Lévy

Gerri Miller, Jewish Journal, January 21, 2021

BHL makes cinema verité documentaries from the front lines of the world’s most dangerous conflict zones, depicting war in all its brutality to highlight the plight of the oppressed.

A Letter to the American President: The Killer of Daniel Pearl Must Not Go Free

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, February 02, 2021

Omar Sheikh, Pakistan, and the geopolitics of values.

The Day a Jewish General Invented a Muslim Country

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, August 07, 2017

How J.F.R. Jacob saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the land that became Bangladesh.

Free Evan Gershkovich

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, April 11, 2023

By taking an American journalist hostage, Putin’s Russia announces its transformation into a full-blown terrorist state.

A Polarizing French Philosopher Chooses War Zones Over Salons

Dan Bilefsky, The New York Times, February 28, 2023

In a new film, “Slava Ukraini,” the writer and filmmaker Bernard Henri-Lévy warns of a heavy price if the West fails to defeat Putin in Ukraine.

Epiphanies from Bernard-Henri Lévy

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Foreign Policy, January 02, 2013

"Arab Winter" is a stupid slogan and the West needs to get over its China fixation, says France's most prominent intellectual.

Philosophy in America

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Foreign Policy, October 20, 2009

After spending the last few years investigating the international jihadi movement in Pakistan, Lévy crossed the Atlantic to retrace Alexis de Toqueville’s journey through America. FP asked him what he’s learned on his travels.

It’s Time to Take Bernard-Henri Lévy Seriously

Blake Smith, Foreign Policy, April 09, 2021

A close reading of the philosophical career, and influence, of France’s most ridiculed public intellectual.