Results for “Syria

Stop the War in Gaza

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, March 13, 2024

For the philosopher, there is no other solution for restoring peace to Gaza than the release of all the hostages and the surrender of Hamas.

The Protests of Fools

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 26, 2023

Demonstrators in the streets of Paris once chanted ‘We are all Jews.’ Today they cheer on Jewish slaughter.

Why I Defend Israel

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Time, November 27, 2023

The philosopher, journalist and human rights activist explains why we must support Israel in its war against the terrorist Hamas.

Our support for Israel is as important as that for Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy and Boris Johnson, The Telegraph, October 20, 2023

We are now battling for the same values and the same ideals, against the same anti-democratic and terroristic forces.

Bernard-Henri Levy: ‘I’ve always found it quite shocking and beautiful to speak to one’s enemy’

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), The Times of Israel, June 10, 2017

On recent trip to Israel, French-Jewish intellectual promoted his new book on Judaism and explained what it’s like to be a modern-day Jonah.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: ‘Those who hate me, it is their problem’

JC, The Jewish Chronicle, March 31, 2016

France's great thinker on why, despite terrorist atrocities and rising levels of hate, he remains defiantly positive.

‘We are all making a huge mistake’

Jenni Frazer, The Jewish Chronicle, August 20, 2020

France's leading intellectual, Bernard-Henri Lévy thinks the world has got it wrong on coronavirus.

Bernard-Henri Lévy bares his Jewish soul

Jonathan Kirsch, Jewish Journal, January 11, 2017

Philosophers only rarely achieve the celebrity of a rock star or a sports hero, but Bernard-Henri Lévy, who has been described as “France’s greatest philosopher,” is an exception.

Nuart Retrospective Presents the War Documentaries of Bernard-Henri Lévy

Gerri Miller, Jewish Journal, January 21, 2021

BHL makes cinema verité documentaries from the front lines of the world’s most dangerous conflict zones, depicting war in all its brutality to highlight the plight of the oppressed.

The Genius of Literature

Paul Berman, Tablet, May 16, 2017

Bernard-Henri Lévy draws from the well of late-18th-century French philosopher Chateaubriand for a broad defense of the aesthetics and morals of liberalism.