Full text of a speech delivered before the Academic College of Netanya, June 18, 2018, upon receiving an Honoris Causa doctorate.
Jeremy Corbyn threatens to lead Britain into a ‘Dark Internationale’ hastening the demise of democracy.
French presidential candidate and far-left leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is transforming before our eyes into a mascot of totalitarianism.
From the Pilgrim founders to Donald Trump, ‘a belief in the exceptional role of an American nation’.
Caroline Fourest’s ‘Sisters in Arms’ arrives just in time for the Ottoman Anschluss against Syrian Kurdistan.
Turkey’s authoritarian president poses an active danger to Western interests. He must be contained.
Paris shows gratitude to the Afghan hero who tried to stop the Sept. 11 attacks—and whose warnings about Islamist fanaticism remain urgent today.
A love letter in 70 lines.
It’s good to be the czar.
Why the United States’ inexplicable abandonment of the Kurdish people is ‘the geopolitical equivalent of a stock-market crash’.
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