Results for “Ukraine

The View from Here: The rock star and soul of Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Air Mail, December 24, 2022

The one and only passion of this man, who is also a thinker, a distinguished scientist, and, yes, a former member of Parliament, is obviously music.

What’s at stake in Ukraine

Brian Stewart, City Journal, December 08, 2022

A new documentary, "Why Ukraine" directed by Bernard-Henri Lévy, shows why Russia is losing the war.

Bernard-Henri Lévy and the Heroes of Ukraine

Cathy Young, The Bulwark, November 02, 2022

The French intellectual’s new film, "Why Ukraine", puts the war in the context of Western history.

The Fight for Democracy in Bernard-Henri Levy’s ‘Why Ukraine’

Tom Teicholz, Forbes, October 24, 2022

Ukraine will win this war, Lévy tell us, because its soldiers and citizens “know why they fight.” In Why Ukraine Lévy makes the case why we all need to fight for them.

Israel’s Support for Ukraine ‘Should Be Total,’ Declares Prominent French-Jewish Intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy in Interview

Ben Cohen, The algemeiner, October 19, 2022

For BHL, the use of Iranian weaponry by Russian forces graphically underlines what he regards as Ukraine and Israel’s shared predicament.

The Man Who Said Ukraine Would Win

Tunku Varadarajan, The Wall Street Journal, October 14, 2022

“The real reason Putin has not succeeded” says Bernard-Henri Lévy, is that his opponents “know why they fight”.