A tour of frontlines and liberated cities during Zelensky’s great counteroffensive revealed a country ruined, ravaged, and on the brink of victory.
The fate of the West increasingly depends on our own fickle, fleeting attention.
There may be better historic parallels to the Ukraine war, a conflict that sets the world on a new trajectory and influences a generation.
Famed French-Jewish philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy talks about his film ‘Why Ukraine’ in Israel at the Tel Aviv Museum.
i24 News speaks to fame intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy about his new movie “Why Ukraine”. “Why Ukraine” a movie by Bernard-Henri...
February 15, 2015 – 21 лютого у Києві в Національній опері України імені Тараса Шевченка відбудеться вистава французького драматурга, письменника...
March 3, 2014 – Interview of French philosopher and intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévi on Hromadske about Ukraine. #Ukraine #BHL #Maidan
May 6, 2022 – Interview of Bernard-Henri Lévy for “Voice of America” about the war in Ukraine : “Putin will be...
Bernard-Henri Lévy was live from Paris on BBC’s Impact with Yalda Hakim to talk about the current war in Ukraine...
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