U.S. ‘Did Not Fail’ In Afghanistan, Legendary French Writer Says Richard Miniter and David Martosko, Newsweek, October 28, 2021 After Afghanistan, America must not retreat from the world, says the famed French Writer Bernard-Henri Lévy.
Eric Zemmour’s Desecration of the Name Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, October 25, 2021 Already, the candidate’s violations of French Jewish moral values are perilous and obscene.
The French Intellectual Who Refuses to Look Away Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic, October 25, 2021 Rich societies were turning inward even before the pandemic, but Bernard-Henri Lévy won’t let them ignore atrocities elsewhere.
A Jewish Far-Right Pundit Splits the French Jewish Community as He Rises Roger Cohen, The New York Times, October 25, 2021 Éric Zemmour, eyeing the presidency, tries to rehabilitate the wartime Vichy regime as part of a campaign filled with provocations.
The View from Here James Kirchick, Air Mail, October 23, 2021 Bernard-Henri Lévy will never give up on hopeless causes.
Bernard-Henri Lévy: “Defining oneself by an identity is an impoverishment of what you are” Freddie Hayward, The New Statesman, October 20, 2021 The French intellectual on culture wars and global crises.
BHL, ce livre qui réveille les consciences Mathieu Laine, Les Échos, October 16, 2021 Mathieu Laine a lu le dernier essai de Bernard-Henri Levy consacré à la crise du coronavirus. Il salue ce qui est, selon lui, un véritable hymne à la liberté.
‘Traitor!’: French Pundit Tipped as Far-Right Presidential Candidate in Visceral Attack Against Leading Jewish Intellectual Ben Cohen, The algemeiner, October 15, 2021 The television pundit widely tipped to be the far right's candidate in next year's presidential election in France on Thursday attacked one of the country's...
Bernard-Henri Lévy: “Cancel culture is churning out imbeciles” Celia Walden, The Telegraph, October 15, 2021 The author known as BHL mulls over cross-Channel relations, the wars worth fighting and how to find hope in a world of misery.
The retreat of the West is a disaster Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), UnHerd, October 11, 2021 The French intellectual on Afghanistan, Brexit and Éric Zemmour
Bernard-Henri Lévy fustige « l’esprit de Munich » des Américains en Afghanistan Lamia Barbot, Les Échos, September 12, 2021 Bernard-Henri Lévy déplore la décision américaine de retirer ses troupes d’Afghanistan. Le philosophe et écrivain estime qu’elle signe « notre lâcheté, pas notre impuissance ».
American Honor Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, September 03, 2021 Even in the midst of deep humiliation, there are still signs of the exceptional nation I’ve loved since childhood.
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