Results for “Hôtel

Why a French philosopher wants to stop Brexit

Simon Kuper, Financial Times, May 25, 2018

But is Bernard-Henri Lévy at odds with a France that sees opportunity in the UK’s departure?

Bernard-Henri Lévy’s Brexit lament

Bryan Appleyard, The Times, May 20, 2018

France’s pre-eminent thinker, Bernard-Henri Lévy, says Britain is both the brain and beating heart of Europe; quitting would be such a catastrophe for all, he has written a play to persuade us to stop.

Ukraine, the theater and their echoes

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The HuffPost, February 24, 2015

It has been a year, almost to the day, since the revolution in Ukraine overthrew the corrupt, tyrannical, and, in its last days, murderous regime of Viktor Yanukovych. To mark the anniversary of that event, President Petro Poroshenko invited me to the Kiev National Opera to perform my play.

Bernard-Henri Levy: European leaders may be abandoning Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Kyiv Post, May 25, 2015

French playwright Bernard-Henri Levy will perform his play "Hotel Europe" on May 28 in Lviv. The play will be staged in Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Solomiya Kryshelnytska, beginning at 7.30 p.m. The play is dedicated to the events of EuroMaidan Revolution. In this op-ed, Levy anticipates and answers some of the most frequent questions directed his way.

Bernard-Henri Lévy’s Journey From Barricades to War Zones

Janine di Giovanni, Foreign Policy, November 13, 2021

In “The Will to See,” France’s great proponent of humanitarian interventionism chronicles the world’s forgotten wars.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: “Defining oneself by an identity is an impoverishment of what you are”

Freddie Hayward, The New Statesman, October 20, 2021

The French intellectual on culture wars and global crises.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: “Cancel culture is churning out imbeciles”

Celia Walden, The Telegraph, October 15, 2021

The author known as BHL mulls over cross-Channel relations, the wars worth fighting and how to find hope in a world of misery.