Results for “Speech

A Marshall Plan for Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The HuffPost, May 03, 2015

If, in 200 days, your suggestions and proposals are persuasive enough to convince the world to invest massively in the birth of the new Ukraine, you will have helped to make Ukraine another Poland or another Czech Republic. You will have heeded the call of your brothers and sisters and opened to them the doors of Europe.

Putin, Ukraine and historical revisionism

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Kyiv Post, May 09, 2015

The following is the English-language translation of a Bernard-Henri Levy speech delivered on April 16 at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris as part of an international colloquium entitled The Second World War in Russian Political Discourse.

Bernard-Henri Levy: Ukraine ‘exhausted but still on its feet’

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Kyiv Post, September 13, 2015

French playwright Bernard-Henri Levy, a frequent visitor to Ukraine, participated in the 12th annual Yalta European Strategy conference in Kyiv from Sept. 10-12. He participated in a panel discussion about truth, media and propaganda. In this op-ed piece, he answers questions.

The comedian VS the hero of Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Wall Street Journal, April 08, 2019

Petro Poroshenko, the man who stood up to Putin, deserves better than to be fired at history’s whim.

The View from Here

James Kirchick, Air Mail, October 23, 2021

Bernard-Henri Lévy will never give up on hopeless causes.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: “Cancel culture is churning out imbeciles”

Celia Walden, The Telegraph, October 15, 2021

The author known as BHL mulls over cross-Channel relations, the wars worth fighting and how to find hope in a world of misery.