French presidential candidate and far-left leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is transforming before our eyes into a mascot of totalitarianism.
From the Pilgrim founders to Donald Trump, ‘a belief in the exceptional role of an American nation’.
Paris shows gratitude to the Afghan hero who tried to stop the Sept. 11 attacks—and whose warnings about Islamist fanaticism remain urgent today.
Only the West can guarantee victory for Ukraine.
Was it cheap politics or historical concern and fellow-feeling that motivated the president to declare his allegiance to the millennial capital?
The Azov Brigade takes its inspiration from a legendary Jewish battle.
The Jewish state is an idea, which is why it will survive its present crisis.
The one and only passion of this man, who is also a thinker, a distinguished scientist, and, yes, a former member of Parliament, is obviously music.
The imprisoned director’s latest film is as powerful for its absences as its images.
The attack was an outrage not only against a great and brave author but against truth and beauty themselves. It must have a ringing response.
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