Results for “Religion

BHL Boycott Backfires

Steven McGuire and Michael B. Poliakoff, Tablet, October 31, 2024

The American literary world and booksellers normalize Jew-banning. But Jews still sell books.

Bernard-Henri Lévy Counters the Demonization of Israel

Peter Berkowitz, RealClearPolitics, September 08, 2024

Bernard-Henri Lévy shows that the demonization of Israel goes well beyond the nefarious fabrication of a separate body of international law to defame and convict the Jewish state.

Intellectual Warrior

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Jewish Journal, September 11, 2024

A Conversation with Bernard-Henri Lévy on antisemitism, leading a life of courage and why he wrote his new book, “Israel Alone.”

A Voice Calls Out In The Silence: Bernard Henri Levy’s “Israel Alone”

Tom Teicholz, Forbes, September 11, 2024

The events of October 7th are not an affront to Israel alone but to all civilization, Bernard Henri Levy reminds us in his passionate reporting on the events of October 7th and what has followed.

Loneliness of Israel: Bernard-Henri Lévy speaks

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Israel Hayom, May 09, 2024

The steadfast intellectual, who came to Israel right after Oct 7 to witness the atrocities first hand, speaks with Israel Hayom on how the Jewish state can emerge stronger as the world turns its back on it.

‘Israel Alone’: All Roads Lead to Antisemitism

Alan D. Abbey, Hadassah Magazine, August 28, 2024

Passion, anger, fear, sadness, steadfastness—a score of emotions—pour out of French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy in his concise, impactful new book, 'Israel Alone'.

On war and its dehumanization

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), Purple, January 09, 2023

As a philosopher, what is BHL's idea of war? Is war fundamentally human? Is man, in the end, a wolf who hunts man? Or is there still hope of eradicating war?

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, November 01, 2005

A twenty-first-century pilgrim ends a year-long journey where the seventeenth-century Pilgrims ended theirs—on the coast of New England, not far from where his travels began.

In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Atlantic, October 01, 2005

From storm systems in Florida to those in Washington, D.C. Continuation of Bernard-Henri Lévy's road trip through the United States.

Second Government (Bernard-Henri Levy)

Tom Teicholz, Jewish Journal, March 28, 2004

“War, Evil and the End of History”, was published in English. Levy traveled to five of the world’s unheralded hot spots: Sri Lanka, Burundi, Colombia, Sudan and Angola. His first-person accounts of “forgotten wars” are chilling.