The French writer and philosopher Bernard Henri Levy is in Cannes to present his documentary on the war in Libya:...
Bernard-Henri Lévy dénonçant dans Libération les « accusations scandaleuses » contre les membres du CNT. Bernard-Henri Lévy s’attaquant à la frilosité des...
A Conversation with Bernard-Henri Lévy on antisemitism, leading a life of courage and why he wrote his new book, “Israel Alone.”
Levy is famous for his activism. The astonishing story of him marching across bombed Libyan cities has many especially fascinated and infuriated.
On recent trip to Israel, French-Jewish intellectual promoted his new book on Judaism and explained what it’s like to be a modern-day Jonah.
Lévy took up the Libyan cause in earnest after meeting Mustafa Abdul Jalil, former Libyan justice minister and leader of the opposition’s National Transition Council (NTC).
Bernard-Henri Lévy played a high-profile role in convincing French President Nicolas Sarkozy to take the lead in recognizing the rebels...
Bernard-Henri Lévy (French: [bɛʁnaʁ ɑ̃ʁi levi]; born 5 November 1948) is a French public intellectual, media personality, and author. Often...
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