Results for “LE Pen

Macron, Le Pen, and the House of Usher

Bernard-Henri Lévy, The Will to See by Bernard-Henri Lévy (Substack), April 22, 2022

We can think what we want about the president's record, his project, his person, but the Macron vote must be, today, unconditional.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: ‘the French people will not give ourselves over to Le Pen’

Eilidh Hargreaves, Tatler, April 07, 2022

As it comes down to Macron versus the extreme right, the French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy speaks to Tatler – and holds nothing back.

Le Serpent à plumes/Vincent Darré

Bernard-Henri Lévy, Purple, May 13, 2019

About Vincent Darré, the prince of youth (Barrès or Cocteau or the memory of Raymond Radiguet) with his air of the enfant terrible.

‘I believe they are fascists’: French intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy on the Canadian anti-Israel protests

Bernard-Henri Lévy (interview), National Post, November 06, 2024

'You have the right to defend the Palestinians; you have the right to be upset by their suffering … but not at the price of a new genocide,' Levy tells the National Post.

Bernard-Henri Lévy on Humanity and War After Oct. 7th

Cathy Young, The Bulwark, October 08, 2024

A conversation with BHL about his new book "Israel alone", the two-state solution, antisemitism, and more.

Bernard-Henri Lévy Counters the Demonization of Israel

Peter Berkowitz, RealClearPolitics, September 08, 2024

Bernard-Henri Lévy shows that the demonization of Israel goes well beyond the nefarious fabrication of a separate body of international law to defame and convict the Jewish state.