The radical party in the memory of the twentieth century is synonymous with everything that is most mediocre, most corrupt, most hostile to greatness in French politics.
Does Paris have a distinctive spirit of protest and revolution? Is BHL's vision of Paris as literary as it is political?
“War, Evil and the End of History”, was published in English. Levy traveled to five of the world’s unheralded hot spots: Sri Lanka, Burundi, Colombia, Sudan and Angola. His first-person accounts of “forgotten wars” are chilling.
Paris shows gratitude to the Afghan hero who tried to stop the Sept. 11 attacks—and whose warnings about Islamist fanaticism remain urgent today.
On paper, the Durban Conference was supposed to recommit to the fight against “racism, xenophobia and intolerance,” but in reality it it was the occasion of an inexcusable three-faceted failure.
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